Teen Read Week

Teen Read Week

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wii Love Summer Reading

Teen Game Day is back and this time we're really hitting one out of the park. Stop by the library on Wednesday, May 27, from 3:30 -5 p.m. and get a preview of our teen summer reading program. This year we invite kids in grades 5-8 to "Express Themselves" through a variety of activities that will allow you to have fun and also get involved in your community.

During "Wii Love Summer Reading" you'll get a preview of some of our prizes, our programs, and hey....of course there will be food. Since summer reading is always such a "hit" we'll be serving up ballpark favorites while you can brush up on your video games and find reasons that "Wii" all love to come to the Amherst Public Library.

Wear a baseball shirt and get in free.....wait, everything is free at the library.
See you then.